Redland Realty and Auction

Divorce Settlement Auctions

Redland Realty and Auction LLC can handle difficult divorce cases with a truly transparent process while working hand in hand with the mediator, attorneys, and all parties involved. Despite the complicated nature of a divorce, our process, being the most transparent in the industry, aims to ensure that all parties are equally satisfied. 

Licensed as a full-services real estate brokerage and auction company in Florida, Redland Realty and Auction gets the job done! Whether real estate disposition, auction services, or a combination of both, we can help! Contact us today to learn more about the types of services that we offer or to discover the many benefits of an auction.

What is a Divorce Settlement Auction? 

A divorce settlement auction is an open and transparent way to dispose of marital assets in difficult divorce cases. Couples often find themselves at odds with each other while trying to divide their assets in the midst of a contentious divorce. This makes it near impossible to agree on an agent, let alone a myriad of other logistical issues such as who will provide access to the property. A divorce settlement auction simplifies the process and relieves unnecessary stress. Our experts not only make the process convenient, but we level the playing field for both parties by offering a fully transparent process that helps you keep your clients informed as marital assets are converted into cash...the cash needed to start a new life.  

The Divorce Auction Process 

We will review your assets and work with your attorney or mediator to strategize and implement a plan that works for your circumstances using our transparent, streamlined, and proven methods. Our auction experts will turn your assets into cash, which will ultimately simplify the settlement agreement and ensure the equitable distribution of all assets.

We’re only a phone call away! Call (305) 387-7777 and let us know how we can help.

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